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Creating a YouTube channel is a matter of minutes, but its promotion could take years or even a lifetime. Generally, YouTube channels begin to make money after they reach 100,000 subscribers. After crossing this mark, the influencer starting to get offers from advertisers. It is estimated that every thousand subscribers generate 1,5$ per month.
How much does YouTube pay per 1,000 views?

Creating a YouTube channel is a matter of minutes, but its promotion could take years or even a lifetime. Generally, YouTube channels begin to make money after they reach 100,000 subscribers. After crossing this mark, the influencer starting to get offers from advertisers. It is estimated that every thousand subscribers generate 1,5$ per month.

There is no lower or upper limit on earnings on social networks. However, it takes a lot of time, effort, and money to promote your channel if you want to start earning with the help of YouTube. Later on, your efforts may pay off or not even bring a dime. It all depends on how you use the features of YouTube.

How to make money on YouTube?

Influencers use different methods of monetization. There are three main ways to make money on YouTube at the time of writing that article. You can use one or all of them.

Google Adsense ads

How much does YouTube pay per 1,000 views?

Contextual advertising generates income from views. These ads appear before the start of the video, as well as while watching it. It is configured by the YouTube algorithm, not the channel owner. Advertisers place commercials through Google Adsense, and the program itself decides where to show them.

New influencers are wondering how much YouTube pays for views. In fact, YouTube pays not for the number of views, but for the conversions of potential customers to the advertisers' websites. The exceptions are:

  • YouTube commercials you can't skip;
  • long ads (in this case the author gets paid if the viewers watched the video for at least 30 seconds).

YouTube pays the influencer a certain percentage for the videos in which the ads were placed. This transaction is done through a special department, with YouTube taking about 45% of the total amount.

You need to consider three factors if you want to know how much you will earn from views using YouTube:

  • Country of view. The cost of YouTube ads depends on the country in which they are viewed. There is a lot of competitiveness in developed economies, so advertisers invest a lot of money in advertising in the pursuit of views. For example, the cost per click in Germany, Britain, and the United States can reach tens of dollars. Other countries have different rates. Thus, YouTube authors from different countries will receive different incomes for the same views.
  • Theme of the channel. The amount that advertisers are willing to pay for views varies depending on the theme of the channel. No one wants to advertise with YouTube authors who make videos on irrelevant and uninteresting topics. For example, videos about cute cats and jokes have a minimal price per click, because there are simply no solvent subscribers. Another thing is YouTube channels with a business or hobby theme. They have an adult audience and get a lot of views. In this case, the advertiser pays more.
  • Number of impressions. A simple pattern shows up: the larger the channel, the more videos, and subscribers, and the more impressions. On the other hand, impressions directly depend on the number of video views on YouTube and it accordingly, affects the total amount of clicks and the final earnings.

Google Adsense ads are not shown to Premium subscribers. At the same time, the YouTube team pays influencers for each view of a video without advertising.

Partner programs

How much does YouTube pay per 1,000 views?

You will earn even more with partner programs. They make influencer’s life easier, help with promotion and training, and provide technical support. There is an official YouTube partner program. You must have more than 1,000 subscribers and at least 4,000 hours of video views per year to use it. There are also many unofficial partners. Agencies offer different terms of the partnership but usually take up to 30% of the profits from advertising. We recommend that you carefully read the terms and conditions of the program and the reviews of the program before signing the contract.

Native advertising

How much does YouTube pay per 1,000 views?

You won’t earn much on Google Adsense contextual advertising and partner program. Therefore, the main income of influencers comes from direct advertisers. Many companies believe that native advertising on YouTube is the best way to bring in new customers. The task of the author of the video is to tell about the product so that viewers want to buy it.

How much do YouTube influencers get from native advertising? Earnings are unlimited and depend on the number of subscribers, activity on the channel, and the theme of the video. Most advertisers are ready to work with YouTube channels with an audience of more than 100,000. It's easier for them to make a deal with one major author, who guarantees a good conversion rate than to look for a few smaller ones.

Those who already have an army of fans do not need to make the effort to find clients. Advertisers contact popular YouTube influencers themselves and pay around 3,500$ for one integration. Beginners have to look for clients on their own. You have to constantly work on the channel to find an advertiser. Make high-quality content, gather your audience and develop a trusting relationship with them. Keep track of statistics and try to improve engagement.

Conclusions about getting paid on Youtube

How much does YouTube pay per 1,000 views?

In this article, we have listed only the main ways to monetize your channel on YouTube. In addition, you can get income from the sale of your goods and services, as well as through streams and donations. It's crucial to know that YouTube pays for users' attention. Therefore, your earnings will depend on the number of subscribers and their engagement with the content.