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Are you looking for real influencer marketing examples to check how the best ones within the industry deploy influencer campaigns? In this post, you will see some real influencer marketing examples based on business cases deployed by DRIM.
Influencer marketing examples from DRIM

In today's digital world, influencer marketing has become a key driver for brands looking to reach their target audiences effectively. It is becoming a great complement to classic PPC, SEO, Social Media Ads, and even more classic marketing strategies.

But what exactly is influencer marketing? At its core, influencer marketing involves partnering with individuals who have a significant and engaged following on social media platforms to promote products, services, or ideas.

These influencers help brands connect with their followers authentically, often yielding higher engagement rates compared to traditional advertising.

When it comes to deploying successful influencer marketing strategies in India, DRIM is leading the charge. We are the premier performance-based influencer marketing platform in the country and also abroad, utilizing a CPA (Cost Per Action) model that guarantees measurable results.

Our CPA system allows brands to only pay when specific actions, like purchases or app downloads, are completed. No wasted budget on vague metrics like impressions or clicks; just clear, impactful results.

You came here to check some real influencer marketing examples? So let's check some projects we deployed at DRIM for some well-known brands.

Examples of influencer marketing campaigns deployed by DRIM

We have collaborated with top-tier brands across various industries, consistently delivering powerful results through B2C influencer marketing campaigns.

In this section, we'll explore five key examples of influencer marketing campaigns in India and abroad, executed by DRIM for:

  • Swiggy Dine-out - India
  • Domino’s - India
  • McDonald's - India
  • Laika - Mexico
  • KFC - India

Each campaign showcases our CPA-driven approach, where we harness the power of influencers to deliver real, actionable outcomes.

Swiggy Dine-out

Swiggy Dine-out is a dining discount platform under the Swiggy brand, offering deals at popular restaurants across India.

To promote this service, DRIM launched a influencer marketing campaign targeting young professionals and food lovers in India’s major cities where Swiggy Dineout was present.

Strategy: We collaborated with micro and macro-influencers who created engaging content around the theme of dining out and discovering new restaurants with Swiggy Dine-out deals. Influencers shared personal dining experiences, promoted specific restaurant partners, and used custom promo codes.

Target Audience: Young professionals and food enthusiasts

Results: The campaign resulted in over 23 lakh views from targeted audience, boosting brand visibility.

Social Media Channels YouTube, Instagram, Telegram, Meta (Facebook), and WhatsApp
Number of influencers 125

2,388,065 views, 103,083 likes, 2,188 positive comments from a total of 185 carefully crafted publications

Click the following link to read the full business case from Swiggy Dine-out

Domino’s India

Domino’s India is known for its quick service and tasty pizzas. DRIM was tasked by Domino's with increasing in-store visits and app orders within a month.

Strategy: Our CPA influencer campaign focused on micro influencers who had strong local engagement in the cities Domino’s targeted. Influencers created fun and relatable content highlighting their love for Domino’s and promoted limited-time discounts through custom coupon codes.

Duration: 1 month

Target Audience: Pizza lovers, primarily families and young adults

Results: The campaign successfully doubled Domino’s in-store visits in the main cities and app orders within the campaign period.

Social Media Channels YouTube, Instagram
Number of influencers 225

41 million users reached, store visits shot up by 70% nationwide, +52 Million total views for a total of 135 publications

Click the following link to read the full business case from Domino's

McDonald’s India

McDonald’s India partnered with DRIM to boost awareness around new product launches and drive traffic and orders to their app and website.

Strategy: DRIM collaborated with food bloggers and lifestyle influencers to promote McDonald’s brand awareness in the South and West parts of India. The success criteria of the campaign was an order placed by a user on the app or the website.

Target Audience: South and West India

Results: The campaign generated over 95,000 orders to McDonald’s website and app.

Social Media Channels YouTube Shorts, Instagram Stories and Reels, Facebook Stories
Number of influencers 11,000

698 million users reached, acquiring 12k new followers. Delivered 95,000 paying users for McDonald's who made a total of 122k orders through app and website in South and West India. A total of 8,200 publications

Click the following link to read the full business case from McDonald's

Laika Mexico

Laika Mexico is a popular pet products retailer working in Mexico. DRIM collaborated with Laika to boost their online sales through influencer marketing in Mexico.

Strategy: We targeted pet owners and animal lovers who buy supplies online, using influencers who shared content about their pets and favorite products from Laika. Influencers promoted exclusive promo codes for their followers to use while shopping for pet supplies online. Focus were the regions where Laika has its own delivery service: Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Monterrey.

Duration: 5 months

Target Audience: Pet owners and animal lovers from 25 to 55 years of age living in Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey.

Results: The campaign led to a 26% increase in Laika's sales, bringing in over +233% increase in new customers.

Social Media Channels Instagram and Twitter
Number of influencers 400

Delivered 591 paying users for Laika. Launched a total of 863 publications

Click the following link to read the full business case from Laika

KFC India

KFC and Blink Digital partnered with us to boost the online presence of the giant fast-food chain.

DRIM delivered +9,700 orders, +149,000 clicks, and +2,900 publications in one year. The payment to the influencers was made on a CPO basis.

Strategy: We targeted regional influencers promoting both vegetarian and omnivorous food.

Duration: 1 year

Target Audience: Pet owners and animal lovers from 25 to 55 years of age living in Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey.

Results: 2,900 orders successfully completed, reaching a total of 76 Million views and 150k clicks.

Social Media Channels Instagram
Number of influencers 776

Delivered 2,900 orders for KFC. Launched a total of 2,900 publications that reached 76 Million views.

Click the following link to read the full business case from KFC

Choose DRIM for your best influencer marketing campaign for your brand!

As these real influencer marketing examples demonstrate, DRIM delivers powerful results through its CPA influencer marketing model.

Whether you're a global brand or a local favorite, our platform helps you connect with the right influencers and only pay for actual conversions.

We take the guesswork out of influencer marketing and ensure that every rupee you invest brings measurable returns.

Ready to take your brand to the next level with influencer marketing?

Check the services we at DRIM offer to brands and start working with influencers who will drive real results for your business!